Thursday, March 19, 2009

Frankie, the Walk n' Roll Dog!

Barbara Techel blogs about her fabulous little dachshund, Frankie, at Joyful Paws, which is an extension of her website. Frankie suffered a ruptured vertebrae that paralyzed her back legs and now she rolls along instead of walking. And yes -- we see that Frankie also has velvet ears!

Barbara was so inspired by Frankie's zest for life that she wrote about it in an award-winning children's book.

She's now working on a second book also starring Frankie, so stay tuned!


Duke said...

The video on the website is fabulous! Mom has now cried off all of her mascara and she just put it on! Frankie is a lucky dog!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Barbara Techel said...

Thank you so much, Mary for having Frankie and I on your blog! We are absolutely honored!!
As the mom of Frankie I feel like incredibly blessed. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for the gift of my little Frankie.
She is touching the lives of little and big alike with her positive message... and I'm honored God chose me to help her with that message.
Animals with disabilities are no different than any other animal... they are living, breathing, beautiful beings and we must respect them and treat them with dignity and grace. All animals teach us what is truly important in life... we just have to open our hearts and eyes to receive the messages. I know for me, my life has never been more beautiful because of having Frankie in it with me. God Bless all the animals and God Bless you, Mary, for bringing such a positive light and love to these extraordinary animals.
~Barbara & Frankie Techel