Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Part of the Plan...

Though our almost perfect pets bring so much joy into our lives, eventually we all must deal with the grief of losing our pet, as our very different lifespans mean most of us will outlive our furry, feathery or scaly companions.

Helping us deal with this inevitable event is Moira Anderson Allen's Pet Loss Support Page. This information-packed blog covers everything from quality of life and euthanasia decisions to how to handle bereavement and create a memorial. Anyone who has lost a pet knows the assailing, overwhelming grief and all the bewilderment and distraction that comes with it. Moira gathers here a huge assortment of welcome tips, resources and links we can all use to make this difficult time a little easier.

No one wants to think about the time when we'll have to say that final goodbye, but why not bookmark this useful site now for when you'll need it? Who knows? Maybe you'll be able to send it to a friend, colleague or family member who needs it before you do.


Life With Dogs said...

Great idea - it's tough to prepare for loss...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry nice idea - albeit the reason is anything but happy...

We nevfur know when our time will be up so it doesn't hurt to be prepared...


ihearthounds said...

Thank you so much for posting this important information, Mary. You are right on target - it's wise to prepare (to the extent that it's possible) and we do keep this in mind as best we can...

Your friends,
The Rebound Hounds
A Blog Devoted To Disabled Dogs

Duke said...

Mom says this is a great idea! We are absolutely going to bookmark these sites! Thank you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thank you for sharing this info. Sadly we may be in need of some help in the not too distant future.

Woos, the OP Pack