Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fame Finds Frankie!

Frankie has an important new job!

Woot! Woot!

Guess what, folks? Everybody's favorite dachsie-on-wheels, Frankie the Walk n' Roll Dog, has been named the official mascot of National Disabled Pets Day, the newly minted observation by the Animal Miracle Network! Check out their website, where you'll see an absolutely ADORABLE photo of Frankie and her mom, Barbara Techel.

We covered Frankie a while back and have since come to be friends with Barb (who has also become a frequent commenter here at Almost Perfect Pets). You just knew then that it wouldn't be long till this furry little tube of cuteness with the sweetest face on earth would be recognized as the stunning creature she is.

We are so proud, and we know Frankie will do a great job in her new role as NDPD spokesdog. We know Barb will help Frankie with all her new responsibilities, and I'll let Frankie tell you the rest.

Congratulations, little wonderdog!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congratulations to Frankie - that is just wonderful and we are sure she will be a great spokespup.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Duke said...

OMG, what an adorable picture of Frankie on the website! Congratulations to the both of them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Barbara Techel said...

Thank you, Mary for sharing our exciting news... we are still stunned... and quite happy doing a happy dance all day long!

We truly hope this will bring more positive awareness to special needs pets, the people who care for them, people like you who cheer for them and write about them, etc. They give us so much to think about and help us to realize how beautiful life really can be...

I'm grateful for Frankie and every animal on this planet that helps me see the beauty of life.

Thank you again,
Frankie's Proud Mom,

VickiT said...

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving pup. Yay, Frankie!

Scout and Freyja said...

Frankie looks like the perfect pup for the job! Cute, intelligent and willing to make friends☺