Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Dragon Lives Forever...But Not So, Little Girls

Mary Travers, 1936-2009

Late last night, just before shutting down my computer, I learned I had lost someone who was very important in my early life.

Mary Travers, one-third of the trio "Peter, Paul and Mary," left us yesterday. She had battled leukemia for years, and I'm glad she's no longer suffering. But oh, how I will miss her, and them together.

PP&M's music is THE soundtrack to my childhood, and their songs were especially comforting during times of family upheaval. When things got loud and scary, my little sister would bring her albums into my room and we'd put them on my portable "close-and-play" style record player. We'd shut the door, crank up the volume, and for the length of an album side, we would feel safe and less stressed while we listened to their beautiful harmonies and uplifting songs.

Particularly -- and why I'm posting here -- we loved "Puff, The Magic Dragon." It was the song that introduced me to the concept that an animal's love could, indeed, make life wondrous and rewarding. It taught the lesson not to take for granted those whom you love, and who love you. And I will always be grateful for this ever-present spot of gentleness in a world that often feels like the tumble cycle in a dryer full of rocks.
I read a beautiful tribute to her this morning, and it moved me to want to post something of my own.

Thanks, Mary, for all the peace, love and awareness you brought into my life. May you now soar free and sing for eternity, perched on the gigantic tail of an emerald-scaled Puff; for a song once told me, "A dragon lives a land called Honah Lee."

And so I will leave you with this video of the young trio singing "Puff." The sound quality's not as good as later versions, but this is the one I fell in love and grew up with. They're all in great voice, with full octave ranges before they were ravaged by time and other influences. And don't we all want to be remembered as our best selves?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khwite a few of the moms in Dog Blog World were all khwite sad about her passing...

Several of our FB pals have all khommented that PP&M was their furst khoncert/etc...

Thanks fur this furry nice tribute!

We'll be sharing this one!


Anonymous said...

Wow - thanks for the flashback! Loved hearing the song again...

"I will always be grateful for this ever-present spot of gentleness in a world that often feels like the tumble cycle in a dryer full of rocks."

PERFECT description!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ahhh, such wonderful memories that song recalls. Sad for her passing.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Just when Moma thought she was all cried out, she started up again. She coulda been one of the kids in that audience. Such special memories. The roots of current values. The beginnings of open expressions of love, hope, dreams, imagination, wonder. It's seems serendipitous that it is right now that she is "rescuing" a long-forgotten once-was-wheelie who sadly retired into his own cave years ago. "Real-ness" lives forever. Especially with people like Mary Travers and those whom she influenced to make sure it's recognized and nurtured.

Thank you for this post. And we're sorry for the rambling comment.... it just sort of led into a blur of free association.

Jake and Fergi (and our people)

Duke said...

What a wonderful tribute! Mom always loved, If I Had a Hammer! There were so many wonderful songs and so many great memories.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

VickiT said...

Well done, Mary and Mary! Love the title, "Dragons live forever; not so little girls."

And the video -- what a beautiful, heartfelt rendition of the song. I wanted to cry for Puff at the end!

Rebecca Valentine said...

Well done, Sis. And despite the genesis of those memories, they are happy ones for me.