Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's Nice to Share.

Hey, Y'all -

Sorry I've been AWOL for two weeks! I took a much-needed brief vacation to beautiful Cape Cod (the New York Thruway at this time of year is just full of incredible scenic beauty!). Then we weren't back even a week when both humans here at Hill House came down with God-knows-what; some kind of flu.

Is it the H1N1 or "swine flu" form? Not sure (and is it just me, or does that name read "hiney" if you look at it really quickly? Like "hiney virus" or "hiney swiney?" Okay, I'm done. No one's ever accused me of being overly mature...), but I can report with absolute veracity that I don't recall having been this sick in years...

But I'm back now, easing back into the work routine. In that vein, I thought it would be nice to steer away from some of the heavier stuff this blog has been dealing with lately. Instead, I'd like to share with you one of the blogs I follow.

Khyra's Khorner is just a lovely little blog where Khyra, the Siberian Husky (and sometimes her mom) share their many, varied and interesting thoughts on pretty much everything dog, occasionally about cats and other critters, and often about their humans, as well. I've never met Khyra or her mom, though we do live in the same state of "Pawsylvania." But I hope someday we DO get to meet, because these galz are both just sweet, kind and thoughtful beings who really care about others and use their blog to try to help many critter-related causes.

I learn so much about so many things on Khyra's blog (and did I mention the truckload of great photos she always shares with us? You can't help but be buoyed by the fantastic furries she features!). One of those things I learned about was that the University of Georgia's Veterinary School is in desperate need of funds to build a new teaching hospital. I think this is such a great cause that I'm making this offer:

Go visit Khyra's blog and find the link called "Let's Build A Hospital." Read all about it, and check out all the other kewl stuff there. Then, come on back here. The first one to email me with the full answer to this question – What's the name of the fund and how much money are they trying to raise? -- will earn a copy of "Twelve Days of a Canine Christmas" by Betty Linkinhoker, for themselves and one for Khyra.

It's a great little gift book and just my way of saying thanks for caring about this very important effort, and for Khyra's khonstant khalling of our attention to these khinds of things that really matter. So get in the holiday spirit and enter our Khyra Khares Khontest! And while you're at it, if you can afford a little gift of your own to the hospital's fund drive, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


My paws are failing me!

I don't know what to woo here!

Tank woo furry much fur this honour!

I appreciate the khompliments and the shoutout!

Siberians are a working breed and I do work hard to spread the good woo!

Of khourse, so do woo!


BeadedTail said...

Great feature on the lovely Khyra and her huge hearted mom! They are both very special to us and love visiting them every day!

Khady Lynn said...

Khyra is my very good friend, and I will most certainly be making a donation! A veterinary teaching hospital saved the life of my friend, and mom's first rescue/foster, so we sure understand how important they are.

I wish them the best of luck in getting all they need!

Holly and Khady Lynn

Scout and Freyja said...

It will be called UGA’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital and they are hoping to raise a whopping ten million dollars. WOWZA!

We ♥ Kyra, too☺ but we hadn't checked that link until now!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are huge fans of Khyra and her blog!

Tommy, Tma-Chan, Sei-Chan and Yuu-Chan (the last three are "khats"!)

Cocorue said...

we love Khyra and her mumster for their kindness and they deserved to be featured


Duke said...

Khyra and her mom are the BEST! We read their blog everyday too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

D.K. Wall said...

One of the first blogs I check every morning. Love reading about the weekly transports that Khyra's mom does.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Everyone knows Miss Khyra and her Mom and everyone LOVES them too. They have a great blog, they convinced us to blog, and they are so caring to all. They keep us up to date on who needs our support because they are sick, who needs our help with some funds, and who is out there having lots of fun. You couldn't have picked a more deserving pup and Mom to honor with your post.

Woos, the OP Pack

Jans Funny Farm said...

Very nice post about Khyra and her mom and how caring they are. We had forgotten about that particular cause.

Anonymous said...

I love Khyra's blog and visit it daily!! And yes both her and her Mama do sooo much to help others!!! Woot this is very exciting!!

Scout and Freyja said...

Thank you furry mucho fur the notification that we, us dogs, just us - have won the contest for the wonderful book! We are licking our momma's reading spectacles right now (too early?) for her to see good to read it to us when it arrives!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Khyra is one of my bestest woofie friends and her and her mum are so very special.. Thank you for featuring them here.. The book looks very special.. Hugs GJ x

Piappies World said...

Hi there!

That's a wonderful feature on Khyra. As you have mentioned, Khyra and her mom has been so inspiring. They have been so doing a lot to help others.

We hope its alright to follow you and be friends as well.

We also invite you to visit our world and meet us.


- Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet, Frappie, Mocha & Sugar

Anonymous said...

Khyra and her mom have a GReat blog and they do GReat things for more unfortunate souls. Once again we seem to have a case of misplaced priorities though as far as the University of Geogia is concerned. If it's the same University of Georgia as The Bulldogs, then the ffootball team of the athletic department could probably cut them a check this afternoon. The football coach could probably finance the building from his salary over 5 years.

Kasha said...

That's very cool of you to give Khyra and this cause a shout out! Sorry you were sick!" Hini" is pretty funny!