That's right, folks: The L.A. Times, to be exact! Almost Perfect got a real nice write-up on "L.A. Unleashed," the blog from LA Times editor Alice Short. Thanks, Alice!
And that bit of exposure got our little book noticed by the people at Purina, where it was mentioned on their Purina Pet Charts. We made the #1 spot on their Top Stories column at what Purina calls "The Definitive Guide to the Best Pet Stuff Online."
Did somebody say, "Happy Holidays?" And speaking of:
Props to Sarah McLachlan, who is currently appearing in TV spots supporting the SPCA in America and Canada (British Columbia version shown here).
Please encourage your friends, family and co-workers to consider adopting a shelter pet, or at least donating to this very worthwhile organization. Without the people who run and work at the SPCA, far fewer "almost perfect" pets would live to find loving homes as ours did. Bless the beasts and the children.
Meowy Christmas and Happy Mew Year, everyone - Woof!