The term "disabled" can mean many things. There are lots of ways in which a creature can be disabled. In terms of this story, the "disability" was that of leatherback sea turtles being unable to live and reproduce in peace, due to fishing, pollution and -- mainly -- to being hunted for their meat, flippers and eggs -- the latter believed by some to have aphrodisiac qualities.
On a personal note, I am always disgusted beyond belief when humans believe it is somehow their right to maim or kill other creatures solely for the purpose of enhancing their own sexual experiences. Not only is this a repulsive practice from pretty much any perspective, but it says a WHOLE lot about the people engaging in it. Like that maybe they should work harder on their characters than their organs. But back to the real story:
For years these huge, ancient animals were being poached when they came ashore on Trinidad's Matura Beach to lay their eggs. Once poachers took what they wanted, they left the gigantic carcasses to rot in the tropical sun, stinking up the otherwise beautiful beach. The sight finally become too much for resident Suzan Lakhan Baptiste. And she did something about it.
I've just posted the link to CNN's story here, so you can read the rest for yourself. But suffice it to say that this woman is a courageous hero who clearly lives her convictions. I hold her up here as an example of what one person can achieve in helping disabled animals when she puts her mind to it.
Brava, Suzan! May you be a shining example to the rest of the world. You certainly are my hero.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Social Media Saves a Disabled Dog!
Okay, I admit it: I've caught the Twitter bug. I've been spending a LOT of time on this web-based, mini-blogging app that I once disdained as silly and useless. But at that time, it pretty much WAS silly and useless - just a place for friends to catch up on each other's lives in 140 characters or less.
But when I'm not wearing my author or publisher hat, I'm a marketing consultant, and about two months ago, I realized that the immediacy of this medium held some real promise as a promotional tool. So I signed up and things have never been the same.
So, what does this have to do with disabled pets? Well, in this case, a whole lot! According to our intrepid blogging reporter friend, Megan Drake:
Two College Station, Texas roommates who are already 'pros' at rescuing animals found an injured dog left by the side of a road. Since the dog is a pit bull the duo knew he would be euthanized if they brought him to a shelter so they decided to rescue him by first bringing him to a veterinarian for the necessary care of his injuries. His left front leg and part of his tail required amputation. They named him Caesar.You go, grrlz!What is really interesting is the ingenuity Jamie Whitt and her roommate Connie Donnellan used in posting Caesar's plight on their Twitter accounts. Hoping to get maybe a quarter of the money needed for Caesar's vet bill, they received $485 in four days! This covered the vet bill of $400 and the rest will be used for his food during his rehabilitation and foster until he finds a forever home.
So, never underestimate the power of technology to help us do good things, even on a personal, individual level. That thought alone is comforting, given the number of ways it is constantly used to do something nasty. It's always our choice, how we will use the tools available to us. I think we just need to be careful about the motivations we allow to guide us in that endeavor.
Hopefully, this story will give you ideas of your own about ways to use social media to make the world more...well, social! I'll leave you today with this long-before-its-time quote from pioneering anthropologist, Margaret Mead:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Memorial Day Tribute: Senior Pets

Today is a national holiday in America, when we remember the men and women of our armed forces who have fallen in battle or who were lost while playing supportive roles for those on the battlefield. I want to say thank you to all the people who gave their children and brothers and sisters and moms and dads and other relatives to us—their larger American family—to do what needed to be done, however unpleasant and difficult and sad. Thank you to those brave souls who stood against the wrong that others would do to us as a nation, and who went forth toward something they believed in, for a cause larger than themselves.
Anything I can say here would be a poor imitation of what I believe is the best, most eloquent and elegant elegy ever given to these people, so I'll simply link to Abraham Lincoln's haunting and inspired Gettysburg Address. I ask you to take the three minutes you'll need to read through it, even if you've done so before. I dare you not to be moved again by the spare prose, the carefully chosen words, the absolute feeling of true awe and responsibility this president clearly had as he composed this tribute to the men and women (yes, there WERE women who not only fought, but also died, in the American Civil War) who gave their lives to see that the great experiment that still is America did not fail.- Another memorial is being faced every day by the pets of older people, and I want to talk about that today, on a day of remembrance. We need to not forget that suffering doesn't just happen in war, but also on the home front. And I feel it's important to give voice to those who suffer, and who have no voice of their own. The memorial of which I speak here is that of the companion relationship between older Americans and their pets, when that bond becomes irrevocably severed.
- I've mentioned on this blog that one of the things that can "disable" a pet is advanced age, just as it can with people. But aside from the regular aches, pains and things that stop working, there's another way that age disables pets: In our hyper-youth-oriented culture, older pets are often considered undesirable and disposable. One of the more common ways an older pet is left homeless is when its owner either dies or enters a nursing home, where their pets are not allowed.
- That "something" is adopting—or at least fostering—one of these older pets who, for one reason or another, finds itself abandoned. Many of these animals have nothing wrong with them other than the fact that they're advanced in years. Some do have their own health issues, but all of them have one thing in common: Through no fault of their own, they are left without a family and someone to love them—usually rather suddenly—and no one to help them make the transition from beloved companion to unwanted burden.
- Enter Senior Pets: All They Need Is Love, a newsletter published quarterly by Joan Antelman, also available in blog form. This newsletter is dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for older dogs and cats in the New York City area. Joan's organization, as we do, believes senior pets make wonderful, loving companions no matter what their age! She encourages her readers to visit the rescue groups and shelters mentioned in the newsletter to see all the great, devoted cats and dogs who will be grateful and happy to live out their remaining days with someone just like you.
Even if you honestly can't welcome one of these animals into your home, please pass the site's address on to at least one other person you think might be able to. Better yet, take a few minutes and work your contact list like a phone tree, asking that each recipient pass it on to just one other person. It's such a small thing to do that could help so much.
Thank you, and I hope your Memorial Day was meaningful and reminded you of how lucky we are to live in this country, despite its flaws and missteps. I am reminded each time I'm able to post something here without recrimination for my thoughts, that there are countries where I wouldn't be allowed to reach out to you about something we all care about.
America rocks. Thank you, veterans, for keeping it rolling, too.
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