Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Quack Grows Quiet

As you know, AlmostPerfectPets is a blog about all disabled pets, not just cats and dogs. Today, I'd like to share with you the too-short story of Sebastian the Duck, discovered struggling just to stay alive by her adopted mom, Sharon.

Sharon and baby Sebastian

She picked Sebastian out of a garbage pile and raised her without even an inkling of what to do with a duck, especially one that couldn't walk. But the persistence of a mother's love, dogged determination and the help of good friends brought them successfully through all the challenges, and Sebastian grew into a beautiful, friendly, happy duck.

Sebastian in her go-cart

Alas, unlike dragons, ducks don't live forever. Sebastian waited just long enough to spend a last Christmas with her mom before crossing the Rainbow Bridge at the ripe old age of 12. Please visit her memorial page at HandicappedPets, because everyone deserves to be remembered. Even a little white duck who never knew the joy of paddling her legs in a pond, but managed to steal the heart of a full-grown human. And mine, I might add.

Here's a beautiful YouTube tribute to Sebastian's life here on Earth.

Splash on, Sebastian. Love endures.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Transformation As The New Year Turns

Okay, so everyone loves the stories about the cute little well-groomed puppy, right? Well, this ain't that. This is a story about a snarling, shaking, nervous dog with matted fur on the front and almost no fur toward her back, trying to bite the camera. But then...

This is about a miracle. A three-day miracle that took a little dog named Chase from terrified to...well, watch the vid. It's a little tough at first, but get through to the end, and you've earned your reward.

This is about a would-be disabled pet. Please pass it on to your network, because everyone should see this. And then go VOTE.