Well, no more. Ms. Go Go is now a healthily filled-out, happy little dog who lives the Life of Riley with Cousin Chris. And here's the pic to prove it!

Now if that ain't typical Jack Russell I'm-the-boss-of-you-and-everything-I-survey 'tude, then I don't know what is! She's definitely become the master of her domain. The light hitting her in this shot streams in from the front windows which are, happily, down at her level and allow her to see outside all day long -- pure puppy bliss! I think whoever designed them had a small dog.
I had the pleasure of the company of both galz -- Chris and Go Go -- a few weekends ago, when we all went for a long walk in between our most recent blizzard and this weekend's flooding rains. As we passed through the ever-cute village of New Hope, Pa., it was clear Ms. Go Go has stolen the hearts of all the residents and business owners she meets regularly on her sojourns into town. I am pleased to report that she has found a happy, loving home and my cousin once again has a sweet little Jack to share her life.
I had the pleasure of the company of both galz -- Chris and Go Go -- a few weekends ago, when we all went for a long walk in between our most recent blizzard and this weekend's flooding rains. As we passed through the ever-cute village of New Hope, Pa., it was clear Ms. Go Go has stolen the hearts of all the residents and business owners she meets regularly on her sojourns into town. I am pleased to report that she has found a happy, loving home and my cousin once again has a sweet little Jack to share her life.