Monday, September 28, 2009

The Counselors Are In

Found an interesting post over at Divine Caroline's blog about Rolling Dog Ranch, a great animal sanctuary we've mentioned on here before. But for those who haven't read about them, it's a great little refresher piece. Check out "Counselors Help Families Care for Their Disabled Pets." I think you'll dig it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome article. At present I'm dealing with my second blind and deaf dog. Nanuchy (terrorX and alpha bitch lol) is almost 14 and almost completely blind and deaf. She has adapted to it very well. We go on 3 walks a day and she has knows her way around and most can't tell she can hardly see. To get her attention now a whistle which she still can hear. No moving around of furniture etc and feeding and keeping water in all the same places. I live in a downstairs apt so don't have to worry about stairs. And she (as well as my sheltie) are crated when Im not there. It stops her from getting confused.