Darlene is a respected animal behavior expert, whose new book, The Complete Cat's Meow: Everything You Need to Know About Caring For Your Cat, just hit the shelves from Howell Book House. She's been hosting these weekly chats about all things pets for years now on her Facebook page. Thanks to FB's recent changes, she's moved the discussion to her fan page, which unfortunately cost her the rich archives of previous discussions. But let's help her populate her new forum with a lively discussion of our own, shall we? Like any gray cloud, this one has a silver lining: It'll make it REAL easy to find the link to our discussion, since ours will be the second one listed!
So, what's it all about?
Well, Barb -- author of the popular and insanely well-selling Frankie, the Walk 'n Roll Dog book series, which chronicles the real-life story of her dachshund who became partially paralyzed from the effects of IVDD -- and I will be facilitating an open, week-long conversation about the challenges of living with and caring for special needs pets, and the incredible and often surprising ways their presence in our lives can uplift, fulfill and inspire us.
The title of our discussion comes from the common experience of the humans, who adopt or rescue these special needs critters from shelters or from being thrown away because they're no longer "whole" or "perfect," that while we thought we were rescuing the animals, in the end we learn that they have somehow rescued us. And it's all being hosted by Darlene, on her Facebook Discussion Page.
So join us, won't you? All you need do is join Facebook, and "Like" Darlene's fan page, then you're all set and ready to post your questions, comments and resources to share with others like us who really care about giving special needs pets the quality of life and love they so richly deserve. Looking forward to "seeing" you there!
What a great forum for a great topic!
Thanks for sharing this !
Hope to buy & read the complete Book very Soon.
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